Outdoor Keeping
Are European species or other reptiles and amphibians from temperate areas of interest to you? Do you want to provide your animals with ample space and a natural living environment? Are the energy costs too high to properly house reptiles and amphibians indoors? Then 'outdoor keeping' might be for you.
Using outdoor terrariums provides the owner with the opportunity to keep reptiles and amphibians in a natural habitat, where they can benefit from natural light and experience seasonal changes. All of this creates a more realistic living environment and promotes natural behavior. Additionally, with outdoor terrariums, you can often offer a larger living space compared to keeping reptiles or amphibians in a regular terrarium.
However, outdoor keeping is not suitable for all species and comes with various challenges! Higher initial costs, extra efforts to protect the animals from weather conditions and threats are some examples. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that one has the correct knowledge, resources, and dedication before embarking on building and maintaining an outdoor terrarium.
This course will cover the correct preparation, construction, and maintenance of outdoor terrariums, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of housing herpetofauna outdoors.
- Outdoor Keeping: what, where, and why?
- The pros and cons of outdoor terrariums
- Forms and types of outdoor keeping
- Suitable species- Construction: materials and techniques
- Habitat replication: sunspots, hibernacula, and more!
- Placement, threats, and climate factors
Available soon
Available soon
Sam Aneca, certified animal care taker, ex-reptile care taker at the ZOO of Antwerp
+32 472.93.97.73