Every nature lover dreams of setting foot in the Outback, the bush, the land down under... the true Valhalla of herpetofauna: Australia!
Join us through Western Australia in search of some of the world's most iconic animal species!
Our targets for this trip: the thorny devil, shingleback lizards, carpet pythons, blue-tongued skinks, saltwater and freshwater crocodiles, tree frogs, death adders, perenties, countless species of geckos and monitor lizards... and one of the most venomous snakes in the world, the taipan. On top of that, we'll get the chance to see kangourous, quokkas, echidnas, numbats, wallabies and many... MANY more species of wildlife!
During our journey we'll cross the dune habitats on the western coast, the dry deserts of the Pilbara region, the wooded areas south of Perth and the Kimberley in the North. We'll roam the country in fully equipped 4x4 camping vehicles, allowing us to go wherever we want and venture into the most species-rich areas of the region. We'll sleep in lodges and camps in the middle of the bush!
If you ever want to come face to face with a taipan or a rugged tour through the Outback is still on your bucket list, then this trip is made for you!
22 days
Local transport:
Rental 4x4 vehicles
What is included:
- All transport and fuel costs in Australia
- All accommodations
- Guides, activities, National Park entrances
- All meals + water
What is not included:
- Flights to Perth, Australia
- Extra beverages and snacks
- Travel and Herping material
- H.E.R.P. apparel and souvenirs
- Visas and ESTAs
- Insurance costs
- Vaccinations and medical costs
Camp grounds, bush camps and comfortable, shared hotel rooms. This trip is 50% camping.
Spots: 14
- No scientific background necessary
- Everyone with an age of 18-60 years old
(Older or younger than the age limit? Let us know!)
Extra information:
- English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch speaking guides.
- The group will mainly speak English.
- Information booklet with a detailed itinerary, packing checklist, information on necessary vaccines and medications, list of local species and much more will be distributed to all members once the expedition team is complete.
*Prices for private groups are always on demand
Because of the 'Wildlife Conservation Act & Regulations' in Western Australia no animals will be manipulated or disturbed during this expedition. Photography will be subjected to additional guidelines.
+32 472.93.97.73